Serenity RPG - Gear Weapons - House-Rules and New The house-ruled versions of these weapons, and the stats of the new ones, were thrashed out on a thread on a fan RPG forum, Waves In The Black. Big thanks to everyone there who helped!
The following weapons need expanding upon. Pistol: This is the same as the pistol in the book, but it has more rounds. Pistol: Heavy: A pistol that fires a heavier calibre round. Pistol, Service: This is the pistol carried by many a Browncoat officer and non-com during the war, and by more than a few veterans since. Pistol, Service + Stock: Grooves and studs on the frame of the Browncoat service pistol allow the attachment of a shoulder stock, which takes but a few turns. This makes the gun more a mite more accurate when braced.
Pistol, Rifle-ised: A more permanent modification, this increases the length of the barrel and forearm and adds a fixed shoulder stock. It takes tools, a workshop and a good hour to swap barrels and such. The modification affects the range and power of the "pistol".
Shotgun, Normal: This is a common pump-action or semi-automatic shotgun. Shotgun, Sawn-Off: Take a pump-action shotgun, cut down the stock and barrel some, and this is what you get. Shotgun, Double: Your plain, old-fashioned, two barreled shotgun. A favourite with farm and rancher types. Shotgun, Double Sawn-Off: Compact and lethal at close range, a criminal's dream weapon. Rifle: Just your average, run-of-the-mill rifle, whether it be used by hunters or soldiers. Rifle, Scoped: An average rifle with a scope bolted on top. Makes it more accurate for long range shooting. Rifle, Sniper: With a scope and more powerful rounds, this is the perfect weapon for delivering distant death.