Ulrich von Bek DOWNLOAD JOURNALS 41 TO 50 Journal 41 In which Trumps and a hall of mirrors prompts some questions; a holiday begins with a search. Journal 42 Where a self-exiled relative refuses assistance. Journal 43 A return to old haunts leads to the discovery of unusual external activity. Journal 44 A meeting with a possibly hostile individual leads to arrangements being made and money changing hands. Further evidence of external forces at work is uncovered. Journal 45 Final arrangements are made before the journey home; a home truth is exposed. Journal 46 Family history is discussed; a short and pleasant stay ends too soon. Journal 47 Some evidence provides a lead in a Shadow related to the strange activities in Shadow. Journal 48 An investigation produces results and problems; an unknown saviour makes a timely appearance. Journal 49 A short rests precedes a different search for clues. Journal 50 The search ends in success.