Ulrich von Bek DOWNLOAD JOURNALS 1 TO 10 Journal 1 In which von Bek meets some relatives, learns a little about Amber, journeys through Shadow and encounters a few obstacles. Journal 2 The refugees travel from Shadow down to Rebma. Journal 3 Where Rebma is attacked, von Bek walks the Pattern and a meeting in Shadow reveals the face of the enemy. Journal 4 A discussion exposes some of Amber's history and the family's peculiar heritage. Journal 5 More debating is overshadowed by a more profound revelation. Journal 6 In which final deliberations lead to a plan. Journal 7 A visit to the world of Corwin's Pattern leads to a finalising of plans and some training. Journal 8 The final preparations begin. Journal 9 A reconnaissance of Amber reveals the horror of the occupation and some small comforts. Journal 10 The intelligence gathered in Amber is reflected on.